Saturday, September 25, 2010 Y 7:08 PM

Prelims are officially over, yay.

It does not, however, much contrary to popular belief, allow me to unload the burden off my heart and mind to go all out to have fun. I didn't stay out late for any of the nights this weekend. Instead, I stay home and keep the new book that I unearthed in CLL company, savoring fully, the splendor of a good book with good, profound, even, English. Upon reading through the first few pages, I found the book deeply captivating and was immediately drawn to it. I was so engrossed in reading to the extent that I missed my stop at Serangoon, on the way home from sch. Sometimes, all it takes is just a simple entity, like a good book in this case, to satisfy me with its pleasures.

As we grow up, it becomes more and more expensive to make us feel happy. When I was younger, happiness means a KFC meal or going down to the playground to play. Now, as an adolescent, I crave for things that are higher in monetary value with the disillusion that I'll be content the moment I've gotten my hands on them. I think most of us will be carried away with our materialistic obsession and continue to be disillusionised. The truth is, we humans, are intrinsically greedy creatures such that we will never be satisfied, once we lay our hands on the things that we wished for, we'll soon be yearning for another, and the whole vicious cycle continues. Of course, this mindset when applied to academics is greatly beneficial to students like us, but then again, it's a totally different issue as I'm talking about material wants here.

Ad-mist the rise of consumerism, I refuse to subscribe to a overly hedonistic lifestyle, the more I am exposed to such cultures and the more the traditional principles are slowly eroding away, the more fervently I will hold onto the primitive and somewhat, conservative values. It's not goona be easy, I know that. It's never easy to go against the ferocious currents in the sea. I might get lost, sometimes, and even concede to the devils, but I will keep reminding myself not to.

That's why, I'm contented with my book.

Monday, September 6, 2010 Y 4:46 AM

I woke up, after having to repeatedly pick up my bolster and pillow from the floor (Only God knows how I kicked them off my bed, it's quite a common practice and cause of that, I sleep with 2 blackets, 2 pillows and 1 bolster. Fuck yeah.).

May be partially due to the heat that I was feeling as I slept in my Barbie pajamas (Long sleeves + Long Pants + Rather high collar (does it count??))

As I lay awake on my bed, I listened out for the slightest noise that will provide me with clues as to what time was it. The "vbroom vbroom"s from loud moterbikes, the sound of bus exhausts, and at this point, I thought to myself. Oh shucks, did I overslept to the next morning, again?!
Nevertheless, I instinctively reached out for my phone beside my bed and checked the time to reaffirm my earlier suspision. Turns out, that it was only 7.30pm and I managed to wake up just before dinner time is over, HOORAY!! THREE CHEERS AND THREE CHEERS FOR YANGHAN! ^^

As such, I literally sprang out of my bed with such unparalleled speed, ever, and walked, or shld I said, stumbled towards the kitchen. I made my way through the living room, noticed the new addtional pot of plant that my Mom probably bought and placeds it beside the TV cabinet, and feeling eager to start on my dinner at home. Since or is it before Prelims, I rarely have the opportunity or the fortune to dine at home, as breakfast wasn't ready before I head out, and dinner was kept by the time I reached home.

Blissfully, I sat down in front of the dining table, and began to scoop all the Enoku mushroom that is available in the dish. A sense of sheer satisfation overwhelmed me as I sank my molars onto these tender, juicy and chewy(is there such a word, or did I just make it up?) mushrooms.
Oh gawd, it felt so good, just so good. I missed those mushrooms. I have been dreaming to eat those for DAYS OR EVEN WEEKS. My Mom finally relented to my Enoku mushroom fetish after my consistent naggings or even pleadings.

"Er, auntie (I called my maid that, not because she's old, but merely ouit of respect for her), can you put more mushrooms inside?" I said it out loud, while feeling slightly annoyd for saying the same sentence for the 4th time for the record. "Next time, just put the whole packet in alright?"

At this point of time, my Mom interrupted me and saud, "Oh, she cooked alot of that but I finished some."

Me: -.-

Oh well, I am not trying to complain! I'm satisfied for eating my Enoku mushrooms finally. Maybe I shld go back to the Steamboat place where my class had our dinner on the last day of sch. It has free flow of Enoku mushrooms and I was in heaven, for that few hours, or is it few centuries.

Anyway, I still love my Mom, very much, as much as before.

Next up, steamboat at bugis, anyone?

Saturday, September 4, 2010 Y 5:18 PM

People like to say, the opposite of love is not hatred but rather, indifference. There seems to be a widespread reverence for that notion. It's better to be hated, then to be treated as something that's transparent and of negligible importance. It's better to be hated, because it means that he still thinks about you, and cares about you. I couldn't be anymore agreeable than this.

For the past 6 years, it was a long, arduous, challenging journey which did not lack of ups and downs, emotional roller coaster rides and broken relationships. Miraculously, I survived through them all, and also pulled through after being a transparency (Those olden days whereby tecknologi is not as advanced yet to develop visualizer and we had to make do with over head projector with the transparencies). It does not take me long to realise that, for whatever I do, and for whatever achievements that I earned, you will not even spare a glance at me, not to mention, a simple and yet encouraging "Well done, yanghan." I thought that was what teachers or coaches supposed to do. Nevertheless, I did not resign to my ill fate but to push myself constantly to attain my owl goals that I set for myself.

This time round, I just have to apply the same concept to studies, and make sure I do, achieve my target.

P.s. Fuck you, Vectors. Fuck. You.
I'll make sure I get perfect score for Vectors questions in Prelims.