Thursday, May 19, 2011 Y 8:46 AM

I shall start blogging of all the special events that happen during the holidays. Partly because this will be the last time I am so free, and also because beautiful memories are worth to leave a mark in the digital footprint.

19052011- I went for cable skiing with Jessie and Myren in ECP

Girl ah, why you sit until so chor-loh ah!!!

Haha, good girl, Jessie!

There I go :)

Yeah I was doing kneeboarding, cause apparently I can't wakeboard anymore. Maybe it was just beginner's luck for me that time when I successfully stood up at my first try when I went wakeboarding with the school. After some analysis, I think that it's probably due to 1 reason.

I must have been too unfit to even harbor enough strength to stabilize myself on the board when being pulled by the cable. This is, to my disgust, evident in the pictures whereby every part of my muscular tissue had degenerated into revolting flabs. Time to tell myself to go on a diet and to go work out more often :( :( (I shall aim to lose 1-2kg when I go overseas next week!!)

Life goes on as I give tuition, attend driving lessons on a regular basis and reading up on economics to prepare myself for the new school term, which will commence in Mid Aug. And of course, work aside, I had also allocated some time to meet up with great friends for suppers, gatherings and etc. Besides that, being a somewhat hedonistic person, I rewarded myself with the my own earnings by getting a Miu Miu wallet, LV pouch (Which I sold away), Chanel earrings and lastly, my very first vintage Chanel classic flap!! That's a bag that every girl would dream about and should have. For many, it can be viewed as making an investment, albeit one with high returns rate, since Chanel bag prices have been increasing inexorably each year. Oh well, but it's ok I still have $Xk plus in my bank (I started out with $500). More than half way to go to my first $10k. I'm quite baffled too, as to why do I still have so much savings when my monthly expenditure has never hit below $1000. It feels good this way. I must really thank him for teaching me how to save up. Now, it's time for me to learn how to cut down on my expenditure heh.

On a side note, I've got into the course that I want, in all three unis. The question is, which one? NTU is just too far and out of the way for me from both my current house and my new house (which will be situated at Telok Blangah, directly opposite Keppel Bay, my Dad refuses to get the seaview side cause of the sun direction. Now I hope that our unit can still see a bit of the magnificent view of the sea). NUS FASS is kinda rumored to be the dumping ground. I did some research and went to alot of online forums discussing about the same trilemna that I am having (or had, for that matter). What I gathered after reading through posts by different people, be it new matriculants like me, current students and also alumni of the respective unis was that it is relatively easier to get into NUS FASS than SMU (since NTU had been eliminated because of its location) and the students there are generally un-motivated. Further more, I think SMU suits me more in terms of teaching style; campus orientation (sch of econs is just right at the door of Bras Besah circle line, and my new house is situated at Talok Blangah which is under circle line too) and the second majors /degrees that I can choose to take in year 2 if I did well in year 1.

So, I'll be going to do Economics in SMU this August onwards.

P.S. Just to clarify, all the designer goods in the aforementioned post are absolutely authentic. There's seriously no reason for me to buy a fake one when I can totally afford the real one with my very own money. When I want to get something, I will use my ability to earn the liquidity to get it, and not ask anyone else to buy it for me, especially when I'm alrdy eighteen this year, turning nineteen. Of course, I could have chosen the easy way out and make some guy to get those for me, which I would never ever resort to do that, because they (the stuff) will disgust the hell out of me, let alone to use them.

P.S.S. You may think that I'm materialistic and everything. But really, quality leather bags and wallets are highly appealing and addictive to me, and it will just stop there. (I don't own any iPhone, branded watches or heels or whatnots)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011 Y 11:39 PM

My new Chanel loot ;)

Friday, May 6, 2011 Y 7:24 AM

Ok, I know I have been rather guilty of abandoning my blog for ages now. But it's alright, coz I'm here to the rescueeeeee~ :D:D

Haha, don't mind me. Alright, pictures speak a thousand words. I shall upload some pictures taken by my phone!

This was taken on my first day of work (and my second last day lol) at House of Anli! :) Basically we design, manufacture and sell these handmade straw bags to department stores like Isetan to Takashimaya. They are beautiful, ain't they? I had so much (paid) fun browsing through the store room which was full of such cute little things. There were a few with Snoopy designs too LOL. Heard that it was custom made for some customers.

Ok all these photos are quite cui coz they were taken during our supper outings and the lightings werent exactly very bright and my phone camera wasn't exactly sophisticated either. These are just 2 out of the many outings that we had. Haha. The first one was this chinese cuisine place at Geylang. I can't rmb the name of the shop lol. The second one was at the dessert place at Serangoon Gardens, opposite Chomps. Lol, and I can't rmb the name too. The second photo just totally reminded me of smth very epic that happened afterwards. Al and I were at Ke's friend's place downstairs waiting for them when I asked Al, "eh, so your car doesn't have a boot ah?" I mean, it wasn't like it's my first time watching how the top of his car (I don't know the technical term for this, if you do, please enlighten me 10q) get folded and stacked behind in the boot area. So I thought, maybe there would not be any space for a car boot. Al let out a hysterical laugh and actually walked to where he parked the car, and opened up the boot to show me that there was actually one, and that there was a little shelf to hold the convertible when we pressed the button. And that night also marked the epic night of us being entertained by 2 stacks of cards, one 1.5L iced lemon tea and a packet of nachos right up till 5 am.

Charlie Brown Cafe! And I cooked this myself there. Hahahaha. Snoopyy's Chocolate. Coupled with Choc Chip Italian Gelato. Yummmmmm yum. Learnt alot about cooking and dealing with work envt while I was there. Had a great deal of fun and made alot of nice friends there. I couldn't ask for more, being paid while learning how to cook, and able to eat anytime anything while enjoying the lovely company of my fellow colleagues. Ah, good things never last, so that's why we have so many hard rules now.

Oh, this was my table in the North Vista Teacher's staff room. Was marking the chem workbooks of my students hahaha. I literally used them as pillow to rest. It was really an unforgettable first hand experience I must say. In retrospect, it's kinda weird coz I had barely graduated for 2 months and had to switch from being a student to being a teacher instead. It's like a 180degrees swing within such a short span of time.

So far, 2011 has offered me nothing short of awesome friends and a deluge of intriguing events. The later half is gonna be even better, I can feel it^^

P.s. Sorry for being so incoherent and un-intellectual here, I haven't actually composed any essay or the likes since 5 months ago.